vii. this post is too vague!!! (whatever that means)

The topic of this week’s article, John C. Bean’s “Writing Comments on Students’ Papers,” I&rsquo

Play Digital Student Games and Give Feedback Please #unboundeq

They are finally here!!! The digital narrative games my students created to build empathy. I am obviously more enthusiastic ab

On Beyond Like (The Place Where Conversations Happen)

I was sifting through a magazine article about the ways that social media make it easy to interact with text and how this has

Be the Coach for Commenting!

“When teachers give students good problems to think about-and involve them actively in the process of solving these prob

Studio Visit #3: Fake News

Monday, November 5, 8:00pm Universal Standard Time (UTC) We are excited to announce the Equity Unbound third Studio Visit focu

Even More Maps of the Internet (student view)

I continue to be intrigued by how my sixth grade students “Map the Internet” by artistically representing themsel

Picture Book Review: The Nantucket Sea Monster (A Fake News Story)

I am at in the middle in our Digital Life unit with my sixth graders, and the one component that I am adding to and beefing up

Reflections on #unboundeq and Mozilla Open Leaders

It suddenly struck me today that one of the things that’s making me restless lately is not so much the million things I&

Equity Unbound Weeks 5 and 6 Equity

“#equality but I still don’t know what ba” (CC BY 2.0) by  leighblackall  The secti

The Football Stadium of Social Media

Last year was my final year as a Political Science major in the undergraduate program of Kean. In our capstone presidency clas
