Making borders meaningless
All the things from Equity Unbound 2.0 Sept-Dec 2019
The linguistic landscape is the visible language that surrounds us in our everyday life. The study of linguistic landscapes li
Join us Oct 28-31 for a four day Twitter #slowchat talking Safiya Noble’s Algorithms of Oppression, on the #unboundeq ha
The Equity Unbound community welcomes you to join us in reflecting on Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s powerful TED talk entitled&
Starting now, and through the week of October 7, we invite everyone to join us in annotating Lina Mounzer’s haunting pie
Although identity is a complex and ever evolving experience, we are often asked to represent ourselves online, through writing
Join us us for Equity Unbound Twitter Scavenger Hunt Sept 2019 An Equity Unbound Twitter Scavenger Hunt consists of a series o