Looking Ahead to Weeks 7+8 Theme of Fake News

For Weeks 7-8 (Oct 22 – Nov 4) we will be discussing Fake News. Some of us are still talking about equity (and you can join

Contribute to Fake News theme

We invite all educators and participants to contribute resources and activity ideas to Equity Unbound, for others to benefit,

Avatars (and Identities) on the Classroom Windows

We’ve moved into a curriculum unit called Digital Life, in which we examine technology and digital media, and privacy an

Twitter Slow Chat on Social Media & Algorithmic Society

We kick off our theme of Fake News with this Twitter slow chat over several days led by Bonnie Stewart (@bonstewart) on the to

View from Here – Equity and Technology

This activity was suggested by Anna Smith (@anna_phd). Simple Directions: Consider the current theme, click on the theme quest

Feedback Please on My Students’ Game Ideas #unboundeq

As with the past few semesters, my students are creating their own choose-your-own adventure narrative digital games. It reall

Bi, Butch, Bar Dyke, and Beyond!: A Closer Look at Pedagogical Performances of Class, Gender, and Sexuality

“We must think seriously about identities we bring with us into the classroom, remain conscious of the way those identit

We’re In This Room Together

At our recent Western Massachusetts Writing Project conference, the keynote speaker was educator Kelly Norris, whose new book

Studio Visit #2: Equity

Wednesday, Oct 17th at 8pm Universal Time (UTC) We are excited to announce the Equity Unbound second Studio Visit focusing thi

Equity Unbound Weeks 3 and 4 Empathy and Bias

“#equality but I still don’t know what ba” (CC BY 2.0) by  leighblackall  I am leav
