How Can We Tell If We Are Biased, If We Already Are Biased?

I believe we all come to any table with a boatload of bias, and anyone who tells you different is either being dishonest or ha

My meta-goal for voice in writing…..

This week’s reading has been quite a feast and I am looking forward to our class discussion. In the spirit of Chimamanda

A Found Poem from a Shared Text, Composed in the Margins

As part of my annotation of War in Translation for Equity Unbound, I found a sentence/passage that lent itself to a poem, so I

ii. speak yourself

“In this metaphorical world, then, even if we figure out the system, we are stuck. If we want to be heard we are limited

Studio Visit #1: Empathy & Bias

Friday, Oct 5th at 1pm Universal Time (UTC) Time converter at Time converter at Watch be

Contribute to Empathy & Bias theme

We invite all educators and participants to contribute resources and activity ideas to Equity Unbound, for others to benefit,

What a Reader Brings To a Collective Story

There’s a moment of realization upon reading “War in Translation: Giving Voice to the Women of Syria” by Lin

Voice and Writing

“We may be constructed by culture, but if we learn to analyze carefully enough how this happens, then we can actually wo

Considering Perspectives: There Is No Single Story

The topic of The Danger of a Single Story by Chimamanda Adichie in the Equity Unbound course suddenly seems everywhere in my f

Response to Rhetoric and Composition, by Janice Lauer and Assimilation into Writing Masters

It is with great reluctance that I move forward into the digital age. Our Twitter scavenger hunt, digital syllabus and weekly
