Algorithms & Data Politics (overview)

Weeks 11-12 (Nov 19 – Dec 2).
Internet use leaves traces of personal information that can be used by other parties for their gain. Our own data is tracked and used in ways we have no control over. As machine-learning algorithms come to shape and dominate decision-making in global society, the pressure to make more personal data available will steadily increase.
Here we take a closer look at this tipping point moment – how does artifical intelligence and data tracking continue to shape the global cultural landscape, and what can we do about it?

Featured activities:

Read & reflect: Safiya Noble on algorithms of oppression. Podcast, article (Engine Failure) and TED videos available

Watch & reflect: Eli Pariser’s Beware online “filter bubbles” (TED Talk)

Listen & reflect: Cathy O’Neill on Weapons of Math Destruction (podcast)

Optional resources & activities:

Video: Jared Lanier on How we need to remake the Internet (TED Talk)


Got a suggested activity, reading or resource?

The fastest way to share and keep your suggestions available to others is to post a comment below.

  • If you suggest an activity please give a brief description and link us to a more detailed description on your own blog or Google doc
  • If you recommend material, please clarify if text, video, audio or game, and provide a link (hopefully open access).
  • If you suggest an adaptation or reflection on the activities above, it might be easier to post those on the post for the particular activity rather than the overview.

Thanks in advance! And feel free to share your ideas for additional activities elsewhere also.

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